Hishik Bishik Show – هشّك بشّك شو

The Hishik Bishik show is a tribute to the universe, ambiance and music of Egyptian cabarets and weddings in the early 20th century.

Built around a solid musical backbone with a repertoire taken from Egyptian movies, ten artists on stage aim at doing justice to this era’s musical riches by highlighting its nostalgic and artistic value.


عرض غنائي موسيقي يحاكي موسيقى الأفراح والكباريهات التي كانت منتشرة في مصر في النصف الأول من القرن الماضي

أربع لوحات تتضمّن عشرات الأغنيات يؤديها تسعة فنانين موزعين بين موسيقيين، مغنين، ممثلين وراقصين يأخذوننا إلى تلك الحقبة من الزمن الجميل

  • L’Orient-Le Jour
    Without text or story, these characters evolve on stage and, by some game of mirroring or yet three-dimensionality, pull the audience into a timeless journey. One would never want it to end. Colette Khalaf
  • TimeOut Beirut
    The Hishik Bishik Show is a heady onstage trip back to that golden era in Egypt’s history.
  • The Daily Star
    This bottle of early 20th-century Egypt is made all the more delicious by its having been distilled in Beirut, in an era when post-Arab Spring regimes are busily turning their backs on many of the tropes these songs address.
  • L’Hebdo Magazine
    Nothing prepares you enough for what you are going to see on stage!
  • L’Orient-Le Jour
    A must-see. Again and again. Insatiably.
  • السفير
    لعلّ هشك بشك من موقعه المتواضع المرح, فتح كوّة في جدار النقاشات القاسية حول الهوية , ليذكر ببنود منها, بأحلام كانت تطهى لنموها, بهوّة فاصلة لها مبررانتها لكنها لا تعني انقطاعًا سحر مندور

“هشك بشك شو” احتفاء بالانسان, بالحياة, بالحرية, بالفرح والحب, ودعوة لتدمير الظلمات” ادونيس

Ziad El Ahmadie: Oud & Vocals

Yasmina Fayed: Vocals

Ziad Jaafar: Vocals & Violins

Bahaa Daou: Percussions

Samah BoulMona: Accordion

Lina Sahab: Vocals

Ahmad el Khateeb: Vocals

Hisham Jaber: Darwish

Randa Makhoul: Oriental Dancer

Hisham Jaber: Artistic Director

Ziad el Ahmadie: Music Arrangment 

Wissam Dalati: Costume Designer

Nadim Saoma: Visuals and Light Designer

Jawad Chaaban: Sound Design

Sarah Nohra: Production Manager

Lara Nassar: Sound Engineer

Eyad el Cheikh: Light operator

Nour el Din Abboud: Stage Technician

Bilal Imad: Stage Technician

Peter Fawwaz: Production Coordinator

Lara Nohra: Marketing

Marjan Chatila: Social Media

Ali el Rifai: Videographer 

Poster Designer: Regina Semaan